Module 6: Quiz
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Kursus oversigt
Einleitung zur MESI Plattform
Introduction to modules and platform implemented
Glossar implemented
Modul 1: Einführung in das Unternehmertum – unternehmerische Einstellungen und Fähigkeiten
Introduction to module implemented
Entrepreneurship implemented
Traits and attitudes of an entrepreneur implemented
Developing your own business idea implemented
Assessing your business idea implemented
Developing a Business Plan implemented
Module 1: Quiz 13 out of 14
Module 2: Rechtlicher und ordnungspolitischer Rahmen
Introduction to module implemented
1 Introduction and requirements under the residency law implemented
2 Legal structures and regulatory framework implemented
3 Formalities and public authorities implemented
4 Taxes implemented
5 Insurances implemented
6 Legal regulations & Contracts implemented
Module 2: Quiz 8 out of 9
Modul 3: Strategische Planung und Projektmanagement
Introduction to module implemented
1 Introduction implemented
2 Strategic planning – creating vision and goals implemented
3 Strategic planning – analyzing possibilities implemented
4 Project management implemented
5 Time management implemented
Module 3: Quiz 13 out of 14
Modul 4: Zugang zu Märkten
Introduction to module implemented
Introduction – from idea to market implemented
Understanding your market implemented
Understanding your customers implemented
Developing your products or services implemented
Marketing and sales implemented
Module 4: Quiz 1 out of 17
Modul 5: Verständnis der lokalen Geschäftskultur
Introduction to module implemented
Introduction implemented
Communicating across cultures implemented
Verbal communication etiquette in business 5 out of 7
Non-verbal communication etiquette in business not started
Active listening and empathy not started
Module 5: Quiz not started
Modul 6: Finanzierung und Fundraising
Introduction to module implemented
Introduction implemented
Funding your business idea implemented
Different types of funds implemented
NABC implemented
Investor Pitch implemented
Module 6: Quiz 1 out of 7
For trainers / teachers
Inspirational material implemented